My Alter Ego

by Ayooluwa Solaja

My alter ego is everything I’m not:

She’s not second-best at anything,

She’s artsier than I am,

Loooovvves math,

Is never rude,

Comes up with the best comebacks,

Is comfortable in her own skin,

And is nothing short of a genius.

Now you see, I could strive to be better, 

and make myself into a version of this “perfect being”

But what’s the fun in that?

I’d rather be me

You’d think I’d hate her for having all the qualities I wish I had,

But what’s there to hate? She’s pretty likeable, and has a killer smile;

Her words never get jumbled up in her mouth

She was never nicknamed “fart-queen” by her taunting classmates

And never had to deal with a look of disgust or pity

She has the world spinning around her pinky,

Epitome of charisma by day, and probably running the olympics at night.

She takes it all in a stride

The irony of it all is

I don’t know what demons she’s dealing with…

Well, I guess I do, since she’s MY alter ego –

But maybe her pinky gets cramped sometimes;

Hoisting the world on your finger can do that to you.

Or maybe she wants someone to defy her or contradict her sometimes…

I know I have enough of that